If you are interested in attending our
Estate Sales
E-mail us and we will Gladly place you on our
E-mail mailing list.
That way you will not miss any of our
Great Estate Sales!
Heres a little information about what to expect when you attend our Estates Sales !
Nostalgia Esate Sales will never hold Pre sales. We feel this is completely unfair to the people who are waiting outside in the morning, sometimes for hours. Just to find out things they were interested in were sold the day before!
Numbers are passed out 1/2 hour before the Estate Sale.
This is our way of controlling the number of people in the house at one time. And it keeps things fair. The first to come is the first in the door! (When people arrive early someone may start a
in the order people arrive in. We will then honor that list and use it to pass out our numbers) So if there are people already there ask if someone has started a list. Please keep this fair. If we find out people are being added that have not showed up at the house we will no longer honor the list system!
Large items will have bright colored price tags.
So if you are interested in a large piece grab the tag. As most people know who attend any kind of Estate Sale "if it is in your hand it is yours"! And with all fairness to us please be sure, before grabbing the tag, that you really want the item. We do not want to lose a potential sale.
All Sales are final. There are NO exceptions. Please be sure when you pay for your purchases you really want them. We will NOT refund you your money! Sorry we only have a short period of time to sell a full house. If you change your mind after a couple of hours we lose that time.
Bidding. For those of you who want to take a chance that the item you are interested in will not be sold at full price, You may leave a bid with the cashier. When doing so please be sure you really want the item and are willing to return to the sale on the last day. But beware, we have had many disappointed customers who took a chance and the item was sold...
Having respect for the house! Most of our customers are wonderful. And we love you all! But please respect the house. We have invited you into someone's home and we have taken great care to display things as nicely as we can. Safety is always our first priority. We want this to be a fun and safe experience for you all. Please help us keep it this way!
Bags for your purchases! We have bags at the check out for your convenience when making your Estate Sale purchases. We are doing our part to recycle our shopping bags. We greatly appreciate anyone who would like to recycle their bags with us. Just bring them along and leave them with the Cashier! Thank you....
** Thank You **
to all our regulars.
We have the best customers in the world!
Thanks for being part of Nostalgia's Family!
Estate Sales by
We Conduct
Estate Sales in the entire Chicago land Area, No. Illinois, So. Wisconsin and No. Indiana
Providing a Professional and Caring Touch!
Professionally Conducted Moving & Estate Sales
Phone : 847-382-2100
Email: anostalgiasale@aol.com